Sustainability and Resilience Integration
Link your projects, plans, and vision with ecological sustainability and community resilience. We can identify resilience benefits in your grant applications or help you improve your Community Rating System (CRS) score. We facilitate knowledge transfer and assessments to ensure that the connection between ecosystem services and sustainable solutions can be identified, integrated into decision making, as well as promoted in project profiles, grant applications, and planning documents.
Connect with your community to promote resilience and sustainable solutions. We collaborate with clients to engage their communities on issues of resilience through facilitated processes, outreach, and public education initiatives. We develop messaging and tools for communication to allow clients to continue a culture of education and engagement, even after the conclusion of a project. Need to coordinate efforts with your neighboring municipalities? We can support a productive forum that also helps your CRS score. We identify project components and solutions which ensure balance among social, economic, environmental, and engineering needs.
Committee Meeting Management
Ensure your project committee is well-prepared and has the resources to manage any function. Our logistical support services are essential for meeting summaries, tracking, and executing tasks between meetings.
Special Funding Initiatives and Capacity Building
Develop efficient and affordable financing plans to meet your goals. We offer research and analysis of financial opportunities with water resource projects. Local fundraising and legislative initiatives are provided with these services.
Environmental Assessment
We prepare your Environmental Assessments, which are concise, public documents. These are developed to determine whether a more detailed Environmental Impact Statement is required.